The hashtag "#DirenGezi" (‘Resist, Gezi’) propagates internationally and makes evident international support towards Turkey
"The whole world is watching", which reproduces the text of the tweet accompanying this image, is a classic anatheme of activism. Coined by Don Rose, "press officer" of peace groups protesting against Vietnam War around the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, the sentence claimed transparency as the best weapon against police repression and impunity.
This happened on May 31st when the hashtag #DirenGezi (“Resist, Gezi”) was a Global Trending Topic, making visible international solidarity with Turkey and, at the same time, the autonomy of crowds to create broadcast networks with global reach, regardless of the media. Only that day the number of tweets with this hashtag reached 950,000, which evolved as the protests progressed, mutating into others like #Occupygezi #capulcu #Occupyturkey #tayyipistifa, #direnAnkara or #duranduran.
Date Ranges 2013/05/31 22:12:14 GMT - 2013/06/11 09:31:18 GMT Number of tweets including the image: 4379 Original image tweet Viral hubs (>10RT) 4 Viral half-life 1h 12m 19'' to reach half of tweets (2190) Diffusion speed peak 4.8 tweets/second Estimated reach 5849180 accounts Observations A retweet of this tweet, by Erdil Yasaroglu, famous caricaturist (1058495 followers at the moment) from Turkey, at 22:42 GMT, really bumps up the viralization Click here for final insights and metric information