The protests come to the door of the Turkish public TV. Inside, workers and journalists come together.
The new protest movements distrust the mainstream press worldwide. It happened in Madrid, in the Arab Spring, or in Brazil, where Facebook was the most effective medium for the ‘Movement for the Passe Livre’. At the root of the "Yosoy132" (Mexico) is the complaint of the bias of the powerful Televisa channel and newspapers close to the government.
Connected crowds are organized outside the media loop, as if they did not need it, and create alternative channels (Tomalatele, Occupy Chicago Tribune ...) whose intention is clear in tags like #occupythemedia, #ocupalosmedios, or #ocupamidia. Turkey people took the unrest they were expressing in social media about media silence to public television headquarters. Part of their staff and journalists joined, from the inside, the demonstrations. On the street, once again, a claim often seen in recent years: "The revolution will not be televised".
Date Ranges 2013/06/03 09:42:53 GMT - 2013/06/06 21:08:05 GMT Number of tweets including the image: 2857 Original image tweet Viral hubs (>10RT) 2 Viral half-life 13 min 12'' to reach half of tweets (1429) Diffusion speed peak 9.5 tweets/second Estimated reach 1751958 accounts Observations This is the fastest image viralization in all the dataset: Just 13 minutes to reach its half-life, partly thanks to this tweet from @TheRedHack at 09:49 GMT, with 336556 followers at the moment Click here for final insights and metric information